What's New:  March 2004

Here is the material that was added or modified for this update:

  1. Catalog Abbreviations
    EVD = The Canadian Revenue Stamp Catalogue, Including Wildlife Conservation Stamps by E.S.J. van Dam (E.S.J. van Dam Ltd., Ontario, Can.) 31st Anniversary Ed. - 2000

  2. List of Stamps Arranged by Country

  3. Appendix II: Labels, Seals, Advertising Stamps, Etc.


    Issued 1 April 2000 by Foundation de la Faune du Quebec. Denomination is $10.00. One stamp depicts Atlantic puffins and the other stamp depicts two wood turtles (Clemmys insculpta). The turtle stamp bears a remarkably realistic painting by Patricia Pepin. These stamps were only on sale from the date of issue until 31 March 2001. There are five varieties which are listed in van Dam's "The Canadian Revenue Stamp Catalogue, Including Wildlife Conservation Stamps" (EVD) as follows:

    EVD QW13 -  Set of two (one puffin, one turtle) in booklet
    EVD QW13a -  Miniature sheet of four (two puffins, two turtles)
    EVD QW13b -  Imperf. sheet of four, signed
    EVD QW13A -  Same as QW13 but w/ WWF panda logo plus $2.50 o/p (surcharge) in black
    EVD QW13Ab -  Same as QW13A but imperf.


    A circular advertising stamp for the Rhineland Rubber Factory in Mannheim-Neckarau, with a turtle in the center. Date unknown.

  4. Appendix V: Post Offices with "Turtle" or "Tortoise" in Their Names

    Post Office Name        Country        State or Province        Postal Code        Dates of Existence   
    Cola Tortugas Argentina Santa Fe 1879
    Matamata New Zealand Waikato 2271

  5. Acknowledgements
    Philippe de Gain

Last modified:  March 12, 2004