Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 981 15p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant pair of 15p stamps w/ a picture of Dr. Archie Carr on each w/ a balloon. Issued for the 100th birth anniversary of Dr. Archie Carr, pioneering sea turtle researcher and educator.

SC 981 a 15p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Photo of head of green turtle on left, Archie Carr w/ balloon on right. Issued for the 100th birth anniversary of Dr. Archie Carr, pioneering sea turtle researcher and educator.

SC 981 b 15p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Close-up photo of Dr. Archie Carr w/ balloon on left, map of Ascension Island on right. Issued for the 100th birth anniversary of Dr. Archie Carr, pioneering sea turtle researcher and educator.

SC 982 35p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant pair w/ eggs being deposited in nest and hatchlings on beach. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 982 a 35p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Stamp w/ head of turtle on left and eggs being deposited in nest on right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 982 b 35p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Stamp w/ hatchlings on beach at left and map of Ascension Island at right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 983 40p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant pair showing beach raking and population monitoring. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 983 a 40p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Stamp w/ turtle's head on left and man raking beach on right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 983 b 40p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Stamp w/ woman on left, taking notes on sea turtle populations and map of Ascension Island on right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 984 65p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant pair w/ different scenes of turtle rescue operations. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 984 a 65p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Turtle head on left and a person in red clothing engaged in a sea turtle rescue operation on right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 984 b 65p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas A person dressed in red and a person dressed in white engaged in a sea turtle rescue operation are depicted at left. A map of Ascension Island is at right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

SC 987 50p 09 Nov 09 Geochelone elephantopus Portrait of Charles Darwin on right and Galapagos Tortoise on left. Issued for the 200th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin.

Main page Last updated:   Mar 23, 2010