sample stamp

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

2.80f 26 Jun 95 Cartoon Tortoise Postal Stationery; envelope w/ tortoise and hare design. Same design as Scott France #2491.

None 26 Jun 95 Cartoon Tortoise Card issued by French Post Office w/ enlarged Tortoise and Hare design from Scott France #2491. This is NOT postal stationery; There is no postage printed on the card.

None 10 Nov 97 Cartoon Tortoise Postal Stationery w/ Tortoise & Hare from Aesop's Fables on front and back of envelope. No face value on imprinted stamps.

none 2005 Terrapene carolina Red, non-denominated stamp w/ a modern rendition of Marianne and a customer-supplied phhotograph on an attached tab. See Appendix VI for an image of this stamp.

1.11 Eur 2005 Terrapene carolina Violet colored stamp w/ traditional rendition of Marianne and customer-supplied photograph on attached tab. At least one such stamp has been produced w/ a turtle. See Appendix VI for image of this stamp.

None Unknown Dermochelys coriacea Postal stationery. Envelope w/ Scott France #2892 printed directly on it (w/o a denomination). "Postage Paid" in three languages inscribed directly under the the printed stamp.

2.80f Unknown Cartoon Turtle Postal stationery. Postal card w/ Scott France #2491 printed directly on it.

0.10 1993 Cartoon Turtle Booklet of ten 0.10f stamps. Booklet cover depicts grapes, a tortoise and a flying donkey. Booklet appears to have been assembled by hand using actual stamps and a cover printed for a specific stamp show. Front cover of booklet inscribed "Gonfaron - Exposition Philatelique - 3 et 4 Avril 1993" along w/ additional writing. Back cover inscribed "Musee Regional du Timbre".

** 30 Nov 11 Unidentified Sea Turtle Booklet of twelve stamps entitled "2011 - Annee des Outre-Mer" (Year of Overseas Territories) with each stamp representing one territory. Turtle is on the stamp representing New Caledonia and also on booklet cover. ** Stamps are non-denominated but are imprinted "lettre prioritaire 20g".

** 30 Nov 11 Unidentified Sea Turtle Individual stamp w/ turtle from booklet of twelve issued this date. Depicts a hut, a boat, a turtle swimming near beach and other animals and objects. ** Stamp is non-denominated but is imprinted "lettre prioritaire 20g".

SC 2262 3fr 14 Sep 91 Testudo hermanni This stamp includes a small sketch of the rear view, showing the divided supracaudal scute.

SC 2491 2.80f 26 Jun 95 Cartoon Turtle Tortoise winning race w/ hare. Single stamp from Scott France 2491a.

SC 2491 a 2.80f 26 Jun 95 Cartoon Turtle Tortoise winning race w/ hare. Strip of six stamps and two labels honoring Jean de La Fontaine.

SC 2879 a .46+.09e 16 Mar 02 Cartoon Tortoise S/S of one semi-postal stamp (0.46 euros for postage and 0.09 euros for the French Red Cross). Turtle in selvedge of sheet; no turtle on stamp. Boy, dog and ball on stamp. Sheet inscribed "Boule & Bill". Stamp inscribed "Fete du Timbre".

SC 2879 b Various 16 Mar 02 Cartoon Tortoise Booklet of three semi-postals (0.46 euros + 0.09 euros) plus five regular postage stamps (0.46 euros). Booklet cover depicts cartoon tortoise lying on back, laughing. No turtles on stamps. Booklet cover inscribed "Boule & Bill". Each of the eight stamps inscribed "Fete du Timbre".

SC 2892 0.41 e 04 May 02 Dermochelys coriacea Close up of anterior half of body, swimming right. This stamp is part of a set of four and also appears on Scott France #2895a. Stamp inscribed "La tortue luth".

SC 2895 a Various 04 May 02 Dermochelys coriacea Sheet of four stamps with turtle on one. Sheet inscribed "Animaux Marins".

SC 3709 2.22e 19 Sep 09 Stylized Turtle S/S of two stamps commemorating the botanical garden in Paris. Bottom margin of sheet depicts a turtle partially hidden beneath a pink flower. Although each stamp is dated "La Poste 2009", the bottom of the sheet is inscribed "Le Salon du Timbre 2010, Jardins de France". No turtles on stamps; on sheet margin only.

SC B 479 a 30 Nov 74 Unidentified Carapace This is a booklet w/ 8 stamps. The back cover of the booklet shows the cradle of King Henry IV, which was a large turtle carapace.

SC B 512 1f + 25c 02 Dec 78 Cartoon Tortoise

SC B 512 a 1f + 25c 02 Dec 78 Cartoon Tortoise This is a booklet w/ four Scott France #B512's and four France #B513's. There is also a tortoise on the back cover of the booklet.

Main page Last updated:   Jun 5, 2012