sample stamp

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

6.50s Unknown Cartoon Tortoise Large cartoon tortoise in center of stamp is main design feature. From "withdrawn" sheet of eight. "Year of the Child" symbol is on stamp.

200f 1998 Dermochelys coriacea Sheet of twelve 200f values. Turtle on one stamp only.

200f 1998 Dermochelys coriacea Single stamp w/ turtle from sheet of twelve.

Various Unknown Cartoon Tortoise Sheet of eight stamps, each w/ a cartoon of a different animal as the main design feature, plus Year of the Child symbol. Sheet was reportedly withdrawn from circulation immediately after printing when a government official decided the cartoon animals were inappropriate subjects for stamps.

150f 1998? Ten Different Species Sheet of nine se-tenant stamps w/ a different turtle on each one, plus a Mauremys caspica in background, mostly hidden by stamps, showing in upper, left, and right selvedges. Date is from inscription on stamps. Pictures are identical to those on a poster printed in Italy in 1993.

150f 1998? Chelodina longicollis From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Emys orbicularis From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Mauremys nigricans From sheet opf nine. (This is the form M. m. mutica, which was once accorded specific status.)

150f 1998? Malaclemys terrapin From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Chrysemys picta dorsalis A poor depiction because of unrealistic colors, but the dorsal stripe is distinctive and this is the taxon identified w/ the same picture on a 1993 Italian poster. From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Geochelone gigantea From sheet of nine. Identified on 1993 Italian poster as Megalochelis gigantea.

150f 1998? Dermochelys coriacea From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Pelodiscus sinensis From sheet of nine. Identified on 1993 Italian poster as Trionyx sinensis.

150f 1998? Cuora flavomarginata From sheet of nine.

150f 2001? Nine Different Species Second sheet of nine se-tenant stamps w/ a different turtle on each, plus two more turtles (C. trifasciata and G. elegans) in the background, superimposed on one another. Pictures are identical to those on a poster printed in Italy in 1993. Each stamp inscribed "Postes 1998".

150f 2001? Testudo hermanni Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine.

150f 2001? Heosemys spinosa Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine.

150f 2001? Gopherus agassizii Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine.

150f 2001? Pelomedusa subrufra Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine.

150f 2001? Geochelone elegans Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine.

150f 2001? Testudo marginata Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine.

150f 2001? Chrysemys concinna Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine. Turtle also known as Pseudemys concinna.

150f 2001? Cuora trifasciata Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine.

150f 2001? Graptemys kohnii Inscribed "Postes 1998". From 2nd sheet of nine.

5000fg 2008 Various Tortoises Sheetlet of six 5000fg stamps, each depicting a tortoise and a rugby player. Three of the stamps are mirror images of the other three. Additional tortoises in margin of sheet.

5000fg 2008 Geochelone pardalis Tortoise on left, rugby player Bismarck du Plessis on right. Inscribed "Les Tortues".

5000fg 2008 Homopus femoralis Tortoise in foreground facing slightly left, rugby player Bryan Habana in background facing right. Inscribed "Les Tortues".

5000fg 2008 Geochelone sulcata Tortoise in foreground facing right, rugby player Bakkies Botha in background facing left. Inscribed "Les Tortues".

5000fg 2008 Geochelone pardalis Tortoise on right, rugby player Bismarck du Plessis on left. Inscribed "Les Tortues".

5000fg 2008 Homopus femoralis Tortoise in foreground facing slightly right, rugby player Bryan Habana in background facing left. Inscribed "Les Tortues".

5000fg 2008 Geochelone sulcata Tortoise in foreground facing left, rugby player Bakkies Botha in background facing right. Inscribed "Les Tortues".

25000fg 2008 Astrochelys radiata S/S of one stamp that depicts tortoise in foreground facing left, rugby player Schalk Burger in background running directly toward viewer. Margin of sheet depicts three additional tortoises plus rugby player Jaque Fourie in upper left corner. Denom was formerly listed, erroneously, as 2500fg.

1250fg 2002 Chelonia mydas Adult swimming left.

1250fg 2002 Chelus fimbriatus One individual facing right.

1250fg 2002 Dermochelys coriacea Adult swimming down and left.

1250fg 2002 Carettochelys insculpta One individual swimming down and left.

1250fg 2002 Six Species S/S w/ four stamps. Two additional species of freshwater turtles (unidentified) in right margin. For species names of turtles on stamps, see individual stamps issued on same date.

400f 2004 Geochelone sulcata S/S w/ one stamp. Stamp depicts a lighthouse and a tortoise. Margin of sheet depicts a different lighthouse, a shell, and a fish.

400fg 2004 Geochelone sulcata S/S w/ one stamp. Stamp depicts a lighthouse and a fish. Margin of sheet depicts a different lighthouse, a shell, and a tortoise with a very badly deformed (pyramided) shell.

400fg 2004 Geochelone sulcata S/S w/ one stamp. Stamp depicts a lighthouse and a shell. Margin of sheet depicts a different lighthouse, a fish, and a hatchling tortoise.

Various 2004 Geochelone sulcata S/S w/ three stamps; one w/ a tortoise, one w/ a shell, and one w/ a fish. Tortoise and shells in margin of sheet. Sheet inscribed "Phares Celebres". Lighthouses on all three stamps.

300fg 2004 Geochelone sulcata Tortoise and lighthouse. Single stamp w/ tortoise from sheet of three. The same as one of the 400fg stamps issued this date except for the denom.

2500fg 2008 Geochelone gigantea S/S of one one stamp that depicts a giant tortoise in the foreground facing right and rugby player Bryan Habana in upper left corner of stamp. Margin of sheet depicts two additional tortoises and a different picture of rugby player Bryan Habana.

Various 2005 See Comment Column S/S of two stamps (5000f and 6000f) w/ a turtle on each stamp and six different turtles in upper margin of sheet. Sheet inscribed "Animaux Marins - Les Tortues" in top margin. 5000f stamp depicts Chelonia mydas and 6000f stamp depicts Archelon ischyros. Turtles in upper margin are all sea turtles (living and extinct) except for one freshwater turtle.

5000f 2005 Chelonia mydas Adult swimming up and left. Stamp identical to that on 2005 s/s but this one is from a set.

6000f 2005 Archelon ischyros Adult swimming up and right. Stamp identical to that on 2005 s/s but this one is from a set.

5000f 2005 Chelonia mydas Block of six stamps in s/s format. All stamps identical to the one on the s/s issued at the same time. Small sea turtles in left and right margins of sheet. Upper selvedge inscribed "Republique De Guinee" and lower selvedge inscribed "Animaux Marins - Les Tortues".

6000f 2005 Archelon ischyros Block of six stamps in s/s format. All stamps identical to the one on the s/s issued at the same time. Small sea turtles in left and right margins of sheet. Upper selvedge inscribed "Republique de Guinea andlower margin inscribed "Animaux Marins - Les Tortues".

450f 2008 Terrapene c. carolina S/S of one stamp w/ turtle facing right. Head and forelegs on stamp, rest of turtle in sheet margin. This may be a Cinderella.

25000fg 2007 Chelonia mydas S/S of one stamp depicting a turtle swimming left and a fish swimming right. Selvedge of sheet shows a turtle's head and three large fish plus a paragraph about the turtle in French. Sheet inscribed "Tortues et Poissons" in large letters. Denom was formerly listed, erroneously, as 2500fg.

25000fg 2007 Geochelone pardalis S/S of one stamp showing one fish and a tortoise facing toward viewer. Selvedge of sheet shows a tortoise facing viewer and three large fish plus a paragraph about the tortoise in French. Sheet inscribed "Tortues et Poissons" in large letters. Denom was formerly listed, erroneously, as 2500fg.

25000fg 2007 Eretmochelys imbricata S/S of one stamp showing a ray and turtle swimming up and to left. Selvedge of sheet shows a turtle's head and three large fish (including a ray) plus a paragraph about the turtle in French. Sheet inscribed "Tortues et Poissons" in large letters. Denom was formerly listed, erroneously, as 2500fg.

Various 2007 Sea Turtles and Tortoise S/S of three stamps. Stamps have same design as stamps from three s/s's of one stamp each (above) except that they are printed backwards so that they are reversed from left to right and the animals are facing in the opposite direction. Denominations differ from the three stamps on the three s/s's of one stamp each.

2000fg 2007 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle swimming up and to right, plus a ray. From s/s of three stamps.

7500fg 2007 Geochelone pardalis Tortoise facing viewer plus a fish. From s/s of three stamps.

20000fg 2007 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming right plus a fish. From s/s of three stamps.

Various 2011 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of three stamps depicting various tropical fish. Sheet margins with various fish, a small SCUBA diver and the ventral view of a sea turtle. This is probably a Cinderella.

MI 4235 4500fg 06 Nov 06 Chelonia mydas Boy scouts releasing hatchlings at water's edge. One of two individual stamps from Michel Guinea #BL942.

MI 4235 A 4500fg 06 Nov 06 Chelonia mydas Boy scouts releasing hatchling turtles at water's edge. Individual stamp from Michel Guinea #BL952A.

MI 4236 7500fg 06 Nov 06 Caretta caretta Boy scout photographing turtle. One of two individual stamps from Michel Guinea #BL942.

MI 4236 A 7500fg 06 Nov 06 Caretta caretta Boy scout photographing turtle. Individual stamp from Michel Guinea #BL943A.

MI 6397 5000fg 25 Feb 09 Pelusios castaneus Anterior half of one individual, facing right, in foreground. Pale head of secomd individual in background. From MI Guinea Bl 1663, which see.

MI 6398 5000fg 25 Feb 09 Pelomedusa subrufa One individual on land, facing right, in foreground. Pale head of a second individual in background. From MI Guinea Bl 1663, which see.

MI 6399 5000fg 25 Feb 09 Pelohedusa subrufa Close-up of head of one individual facing left. From MI Guinea Bl 1663, which see.

MI 6400 5000fg 25 Feb 09 Caretta caretta One individual swimming up and left in foreground. Head of a second individual facing right in background. From MI Guinea Bl 1663, which see. Stamp is inscribed "Caretta caretta" but the head on the stamp has been identified by George Balazs as a Chelonia mydas.

MI 6401 5000fg 25 Feb 09 Lepidochelys olivacea One individual swimming right in foreground, another paler individual swimming right in background. From MI Guinea Bl 1663, which see.

MI 6402 5000fg 25 Feb 09 Geochelone sulcata One individual facing three-quarters right/ From MI Guinea Bl 1663, which see. Stamp is inscribed "Centrochelys sulcata" the genus name used by some authorities.

MI 6415 2500fg 25 Feb 09 Chelonia mydas Two individuals swimming to right. Inscribed "Les Tortue" in bar at bottom of stamp. This is the stamp from the s/s designated as Guinea MI Bl 1663 (which see).

MI 8610 10000fg 2011 Aldabrachelys gigantea Triangular stamp w/ one tortoise facing three-quarters left. When stamp is upright, base of triangle is down.

MI 8611 10000fg 2011 Astrochelys radiata Triangular stamp w/ one tortoise facing right. When stamp is upright, apex of triangle is down.

MI 8612 2011 Pelomedusa subrufra Triangular stamp w/ one turtle facing right. When stamp is upright, base of triangle is down.

MI 8613 10000fg 2011 Stigmochelys pardalis Triangular stamp w/ one hatchling tortoise facing right. When stamp is upright, apex of triangle is down.

MI 8614 10000fg 2011 Geochelone sulcata Triangular stamp w/ one tortoise facing viewer w/ head and neck bent to viewer's left. When stamp is upright, base of triangle is down.

MI 8615 2500fg 2011 Geochelone sulcata Individual triangular stamp from Michel Guinea BL 1988. Shows tortoise facing three-quarters right.

MI 8616 15000fg 2011 Geochelone sulcata Individual triangular stamp from Michel Guinea BL 1988. Shows tortoise facing three-quarters right.

MI 8617 5000fg 2011 Geochelone sulcata Individual triangular stamp from Michel Guinea BL 1988. Shows tortoise facing three-quarters right.

MI BL 942 Various 06 Nov 06 C. mydas & C. caretta S/S w/ two stamps, one each of the stamps on the previous two listings, above. Margin of sheet depicts a seated girl scout holding a sea turtle w/ a band around its shell, two sea turtles, a tortoise, and a lighthouse named "Colombine".

MI BL 943 A 7500fg 06 Nov 06 Caretta caretta S/S of one stamp w/ a boy scout squatting down, photographing a turtle. Large Caretta caretta in background. Margin of sheet depicts a boy scout examining a turtle w/ a magnifying glass, a sea turtle, and several freshwater turtles plus a lighthouse named "Leuchtturm".

MI BL 952 A 4500fg 06 Nov 06 Chelonia mydas S/S of one stamp w/ two boy scouts kneeling at water's edge releasing hatchling sea turtles. Large Chelonia mydas in background. Margin of sheet depicts boy scout w/ right hand raised, numerous sea turtles and a lighthouse named "Cap Recife".

MI BL 1988 Various 2011 Four Species Mini sheet of three triangular stamps, each depicting a Geochelone sulcata but each w/ a different denom. Upper margin of sheet w/ a female Malaclemys terrapin, an unidentified tortoise and three tiny white silhouettes of swimming sea turtles. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Les Tortues" in small letters.

MI BL 5816 5000fg 20 Oct 08 Chelonia mydas S/S of six 5000fg stamps with a man's portrait and a locomotive on each. Locomotives along bottom margin of sheet and large sea turtle in upper right corner. No turtles on stamps. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "John Shedd Reed".

MI Bl 1663 2500fg 25 Feb 09 Four Species S/S of one stamp w/ two Chelonia mydas on stamp. Sheet margin depicts one Geochelone sulcata, one Pelomedusa subrufa and one Lepidochelys olivacea. Sheet margin inscribed "Les Tortues". NOTE: The sheet margin identifies the tortoise as "Centrochelys sulcata" a name used by some authorities instead of "Geochelone sulcata". The stamp on this sheet is designated as Guinea MI #6415 (which see).

MI Bl 1663 5000fg 25 Feb 09 Five Different Species S/S of six stamps, depicting five different species of turtles. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Les Tortues". Four sea turtles in sheet margin. Individual stamps on sheet are designated as MI Guinea #6397-6402. See listings of these stamps for turtle ID's.

SC 1828 750f 18 Feb 00 Three Sea Turtles Sheet of eight stamps w/ a wide central gutter, having an overall photomosaic of the Titanic made up of thousands of tiny photographs, three of which depict sea turtles. Photos of turtles are so small as to be difficult to discern w/ the naked eye.

SC 1877 750f 28 Feb 01 Chelonia mydas S/S of six 750f stamps w/ a turtle on one. Inscribed "Vie Marine des Tropiques". Image of turtle extends into selvedge. This is Pane #2 of two Marine Life of the Tropics panes issued this date.

SC 1877 a 750f 28 Feb 01 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Guinea #1877.

SC 1884 200f 28 Feb 01 Eretmochelys imbricata Sheet of six 200f stamps. All stamps depict fish but a large turtle appears in lower left selvedge. Sheet inscribed "Bleu Profond des Mers".

SC 1890 1000f 28 Feb 01 Chelonia mydas Marine Life sheetlet of six 1000f se-tenant stamps w/ turtle on one. This is Pane #2 of four panes issued this date. Turtle on one stamp only. Sheet inscribed "Vie Marine".

SC 1890 d 1000f 28 Feb 01 Chelonia mydas Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Guinea #1890.

SC 1891 1000f 28 Feb 01 Eretmochelys imbricata Marine Life sheetlet of six se-tenant 1000f stamps. This is pane #4 of four Marine Life panes issued this date. Turtle on one stamp only. Pane inscribed "Vie Marine".

SC 1891 a 1000f 28 Feb 01 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Guinea #1891.

SC C 136 25s 10 Aug 77 Geochelone elegans

YV 522 2000fg 2007 Eretmochelys imbricata Mini s/s of one stamp w/ turtle swimming up and to right plus a ray. Thirty-six tiny pictures of turtles form a "frame" around the margin of the sheet.

YV 523 7500fg 2007 Geochelone pardalis Mini s/s of one stamp with a tortoise facing viewer plus a fish. Thirty-six tiny pictures of turtles form a "frame" around the margin of the sheet.

YV 524 20000fg 2007 Chelonia mydas Mini s/s of one stamp w/ turtle swimming to right, plus a fish. Thirty-six tiny pictures of turtles form a "frame" around the margin of the sheet.

Main page Last updated:   Jun 5, 2012