sample stamp

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

Various 16 Aug 04 Cuora amboinensis S/S of four each of four different stamps (total of sixteen), all depicting C. amboinensis The 5000 denom stamp appears to be a photograph, while the other three appear to be paintings. Marginal inscriptions: "Malayan Box Turtle" in left margin, "World Wide Fund for Nature" in top margin, "Cuora amboinensis" in right margin, and "Lao PDR" in bottom margin. Also, small picture of turtle in each of the four corners.

SC 584 50c 20 Aug 84 Malaclemys terrapin

SC 1304 A 150k 27 Dec 96 Dermochelys coriacea Issued for 25th anniversary of Greenpeace. CTO date is 10 Jan 97.

SC 1304 B 250k 27 Dec 96 Dermochelys coriacea Issued for 25th anniversary of Greenpeace. CTO date is 10 Jan 97.

SC 1304 C 400k 27 Dec 96 Eretmochelys imbricata Issued for 25th anniversary of Greenpeace. CTO date is 10 Jan 97.

SC 1304 D 450k 27 Dec 96 Chelonia agassizi Issued for 25th anniversary of Greenpeace. CTO date is 10 Jan 97.

SC 1304 e Various 27 Dec 96 3 Species of Sea Turtles Issued for 25th anniversary of Greenpeace. CTO date is 10 Jan 97.

SC 1441 3200k 01 Jun 00 Childs Drawing Child's drawing of many animals in and near a river. Turtle on land in lower rt. corner of stamp. Linn's Stamp News incorrectly listed denom. as 2300k.

SC 1625 Various 16 Aug 04 Cuora amboinensis Block of four se-tenant stamps, each w/ a different picture of Cuora amboinensis. WWF logo on each stamp.

SC 1625 a 5000k 16 Aug 04 Cuora amboinensis Close-up photograph of head. Contains WWF logo.

SC 1625 b 5500k 16 Aug 04 Cuora amboinensis Painting of adult on land, facing left. Contains WWF logo.

SC 1625 c 6000k 16 Aug 04 Cuora amboinensis Painting of two adults on land, one facing left, the other facing right. Contains WWF logo.

SC 1625 d 7000k 16 Aug 04 Cuora amboinensis Painting of front half of adult on land, facing three-quarters to right. Contains WWF logo.

Main page Last updated:   Jun 5, 2012