sample stamp

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

1999 Unknown Sheetlet II (of several issued in this set) MAY have a turtle. 150th death anniversary of Hokusai.

1999 Unknown Single stamp that MAY have a turtle from Sheetlet II. 150th death anniversary of Hokusai.

SC 134 29c 14 Mar 91 Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 135 29c 14 Mar 91 Chelonia mydas

SC 135 a 29 + 29c 14 Mar 91 E. imbricata & C. mydas Se-tenant pair of Scott Micronesia #134 and #135.

SC 136 50c 14 Mar 91 Eretmochelys imbricata

SC 137 50c 14 Mar 91 Dermochelys coriacea

SC 137 a 50 + 50c 14 Mar 91 D. coriacea & E.imbricata Se-tenant pair of Scott Micronesia #136 and #137.

SC 198 29c 12 Jul 94 D. coriacea & E.imbricata Se-tenant block of four, all of which are stamps on stamps. The turtles are depicted on Scott #137a, a se-tenant pair, which is, in turn, depicted on Scott #198c, one of this block of four.

SC 198 c 29c 12 Jul 94 D. coriacea & E.imbricata Stamp on stamp. The turtles are depicted on Scott #137a, a se-tenant pair, which is depicted on this stamp.

SC 347 33c 24 May 99 Archelon sp. Sheet of twenty stamps w/ turtle on one. Issued for Earth Day 1999.

SC 347 r 33c 24 May 99 Archelon sp. Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia 347.

SC 420 34c 27 Feb 01 Geochelone elephantopus "One Earth" sheetlet of six 34c denoms. Tortoise on one stamp only. Sheet inscribed "Making a Difference in the Future of Our World".

SC 420 b 34c 27 Feb 01 Geochelone elephantopus Single stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Micronesia #420. Front view of tortoise.

SC 445 60c 16 Jul 01 Lepidochelys olivacea Pane 1 of two panes of six se-tenant 60c stamps issued this date. Turtle, dolphin, shark, and 3 fish. Turtle on one stamp only. Inscribed in gold "Underwater Treasures of Micronesia".

SC 445 b 60c 16 Jul 01 Lepidochelys olivacea Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia #445.

SC 446 60c 16 Jul 01 Caretta caretta Pane 2 of two panes of se-tenant 60c stamps issued his date. Turtle and 5 fish. Turtle on one stamp only. Inscribed in gold "Underwater Treasures of Micronesia".

SC 446 a 60c 16 Jul 01 Caretta caretta Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia #446.

SC 624 $2.00 01 Nov 04 Caretta caretta Mini-sheet of one stamp. Head and front half of turtle's body on stamp, remainder in margin. Background consists of many hatchling sea turtles. Inscribed "Reptiles of the Pacific".

SC 849 22c 04 Sep 09 Eretmochelys imbricata One individual swimming right, underwater w/ front flippers in raised position. From "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean" set.

SC 850 88c 04 Sep 09 Natator depressus One individual, facing right, on beach at water's edge. From "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean" set.

SC 851 95c 04 Sep 09 Caretta caretta One individual facing three-quarters left, swimming underwater w/ foreflippers extended laterally. From "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean" set.

SC 852 $2.80 04 Sep 09 Chelonia mydas One individual on beach, facing right. From "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean" set.

SC 853 98c 04 Sep 09 Sea Turtles; Five Species Sheet of four 98c stamps w/ a different turtle on each plus another species in sheet margin. Right margin of sheet inscribed "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean".

SC 853 a 98c 04 Sep 09 Lepidochelys kempi One individual swimming right, underwater. From Scott Micronesia #853.

SC 853 b 98c 04 Sep 09 Dermochelys coriacea Semi-dorsal view of one individual swimming right, underwater. From Scott Micronesia #853.

SC 853 c 98c 04 Sep 09 Caretta caretta One individual swimming right and slightly upward, underwater. From Scott Micronesia #853.

SC 853 d 98c 04 Sep 09 Lepidochelys olivacea One individual swimming three-quarters right, underwater. From Scott Micronesia #853.

SC 854 $1.56 04 Sep 09 Sea Turtles; Two Species Sheet of two $1.56 stamps w/ a sea turtle on each. Left margin of sheet inscribed "Turtles of the Pacific Ocean".

SC 854 a $1.56 04 Sep 09 Chelonia mydas Semi-ventral view of one individual facing viewer w/ fore flippers pointing downward. From Scott Micronesia #854.

SC 854 b $1.56 04 Sep 09 Eretmochelys imbricata One individual swimming left and up w/ fore flippers pointing up. From Scott Micronesia #854.

SC 938 50c 14 Jul 11 Ocadia sinensis S/S of five 50c stamps depicting four lizards and one freshwater turtle: Ocadia (Mauremys) sinensis. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Reptiles of Micronesia" in large letters. Linn's Stamp News erroneously reported this as a sheet of six se-tenant 40c stamps (Issue of 5 Sept 2011, pg. 51).

SC 938 a 50c 14 Jul 11 Ocadia sinensis Turtle on land, facing left, w/ anterior part of body elevated. The word "Reptiles" in large letters in background. Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia #938.

SC 939 $1.25 14 Jul 11 Chelonia mydas S/S of two stamps. One w/ a skink and one w/ a Green Turtle. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Reptiles of Micronesia".

SC 939 b $1.25 14 Jul 11 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming to right w/ large word "Reptiles" in the background. Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Micronesia #939.

Main page Last updated:   Jun 5, 2012