sample stamp

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 779 40c 24 May 95 Geochelone stromeri Shows fossil of G. stromeri plus a reconstructed G. stromeri OR a living Chersina angulata.

SC 1108 60c 15 Feb 07 Unidentified Sea Turtle Depicts large jellyfish, small turtle and small flying birds. Inscribed "Biodiversity of Namibia".

SC 1186 * 08 Feb 10 Two Species S/S of ten stamps' each w/ an endangered animal or plant from Namibia. One depicts a sea turtle and one depicts a tortoise. * Stamps do not have numerical denominations but each one is inscribed "Postcard Rate".

SC 1186 c * 08 Feb 10 Dermochelys coriacea One individual swimming down and to right. Two jellyfish also appear on stamp. * No numerical denomination on stamp but it is inscribed "Postcard Rate". Individual stamp from Namibia Scott #1186.

SC 1186 j * 08 Feb 10 Homopus solus One tortoise facing right. * No numerical denomination on stamp but it is inscribed "Postcard Rate". Individual stamp from Namibia Scott #1186.

Main page Last updated:   Jun 5, 2012