sample stamp

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

Various 1999 Highly Stylized Turtle S/S of eight stamps, each w/ a different, highly stylized sea creature. Turtle on one stamp. Sheet margin inscribed "Art of the Nature" in large letters. Margin also depicts highly stylized owls and fish skeletons.

300 le 1999 Highly Stylized Turtle Dorsal view of turtle w/ legs extended and spread wide. Head and neck bent to left. From "Art of the Nature" sheet of eight stamps.

SC 573 50c 10 Dec 82 Apalone ferox

SC 888 100le 17 Aug 87 Stylized Turtle Stylized animal's head in painting by Marc Chagall that MAY be a turtle. Some people feel that this is definitely a turtle and others feel that it is definitely not.

SC 1450 60le 24 Dec 91 Cartoon Turtle Disney character, Dopey, sleeping w/ turtle and rabbit. Erroneously list as #1449 in previous lists.

SC 1799 300le June 1995 Eretmochelys imbricata Pane of nine se-tenant stamps. Turtle on one stamp only. Date on an FDC is 4 September 95.

SC 1799 c 300le June 1995 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Sierra Leone 1799. Date on FDC is 4 Sept 95.

SC 1934 1500le 19 Dec 96 Unidentified Tortoise m/s w/ a single stamp. Tortoise in lower left margin of sheet. Sheet inscribed "Fantasies of the Sea", but animal pictured is a tortoise.

SC 1938 1500le 19 Dec 96 Submarine named "TURTLE" m/s w/ a single stamp. Depicts the submersible vessel named "The Turtle" from "The Secret Oceans" by Betty Ballantine. Sheet inscribed "Fantasies of the Sea".

SC 2001 400le 23 Jun 97 Unident. Freshwater Turt. Sheet of six se-tenant 400le stamps, each featuring a painting by Hiroshige. Turtle on one stamp only. Date from MI catalog.

SC 2001 b 400le 23 Jun 97 Unident. Freshwater Turt. Single stamp w/ prominent turtle from Scott Sierra Leone #2001. Painting titled "Mannen Bridge". Date from MI catalog.

SC 2160 400le 22 Feb 99 Caretta caretta Sheetlet of twelve se-tenent stamps w/ turtle on one. Issued for International Year of the Ocean.

SC 2160 l 400le 22 Feb 99 Caretta caretta Single stamp from Scott Sierra Leone 2160. Issued for International Year of the Ocean.

SC 2165 3000le 22 Feb 99 3 Species of Sea Turtles S/S Issued for International Year of the Ocean. Dermochelys coriacea on stamp, Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas in selvedge.

SC 2387 600le 15 Jan 01 Pelusios subniger On land, facing right. Inscribed "Pan Hinged Terrapin". From set of six reptile stamps.

SC 2390 1200le 15 Jan 01 Pelomedusa subrufra Sheetlet of six 1200le denoms w/ turtle on one. Sheet inscribed "Reptiles of Africa". Background of sheet is a large map of Africa.

SC 2390 f 1200le 15 Jan 01 Pelomedusa subrufra Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Sierra Leone #2390. Stamp inscribed "Helmet Turtle".

SC 2557 1500le 26 Aug 02 Pokemon Character Sheet of six 1500le stamps w/ Pokemon character "Shuckle" on one. This character looks vaguely like a turtle.

SC 2557 c 1500le 26 Aug 02 Pokemon Character Single stamp w/ turtle character called "Shuckle" from Scott Sierra Leone #2557.

SC 2947 8000 le 30 Sep 09 Stylized Sea Turtles S/S of one stamp issued for the 35th G8 Summit in L'Aquila, Italy. Stylized silhouettes of sea turtles in background. Stamp pictures U.S. President Barack Obama and Italian PM Silvio Benusconi shaking hands.

SC 2986 2500le 01 Mar 10 Geochelone elephantopus S/S of four 2500le stamps issued for the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth. Animals depicted are Darwin's Frog, Darwin's Fox, Galapagos Tortoise and Marine Iguana. Margin of sheet inscribed "Charles Darwin", "200th Birthday" and "1809 - 1882".

SC 2986 c 2500le 01 Mar 10 Geochelone elephantopus Individual stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Sierra Leone #2986. Close-up photo of tortoise, facing camera w/ mouth open.

SC 3058 4000le 25 Mar 11 Geochelone sulcata S/S of four 4000le stamps depicting two lizards, one crocodilian and one tortoise. Snake's head in background of sheet. Upper right corner of sheet inscribed "Reptiles of Africa".

SC 3058 c 4000le 25 Mar 11 Geochelone sulcata Head and part of one forelimb of tortoise facing three-quarters right. Individual stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Sierra Leone #3058.

Main page Last updated:   Jun 5, 2012