See End Note #8 for further information about TRANSDNIESTRIAN MOLDOVAN REPUBLIC stamps.
sample stamp

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

100rub 16 Jul 94 Emys orbicularis In addition to the name of the country, the following writing appears on the stamp in Cryllic alphabet: "Red Book" (Referring, no doubt, to the IUCN Red Book), "Swamp Tortoise", and "Gray Alder". One of a set of 4 stamps plus a s/s, all depicting rare and endangered animals.

"A" 1994 Emys orbicularis Postal Stationery w/ imprinted stamp whose design is similar to the 100r stamp issued 16 July 94. Imprinted stamp on this item is printed entirely in light blue. Additional prominent turtle in cachet.

"A" 1999 Caretta caretta Imperf. sheetlet of four w/ Turtle, Birds, & Dolphin. Selvedge plain white except for two WWF symbols and the inscription "World Wide Found (sic) for Nature".

CTC 29 "A" 28 Oct 98 Caretta caretta Single stamp in "a" position from CTC Transistra 29-40. Stamp is identical to CTC Transistra 34, 39, and 41. One of three identical stamps on the same sheet.

CTC 29 -40 "A" 28 Oct 98 Caretta caretta Perf. sheet of twelve (three each of four different stamps). Turtle on one design repeated three times. WWF symbol and mallard drakes in selvedge. Inscribed "World Wide Found (sic) for Nature".

CTC 34 "A" 28 Oct 98 Caretta caretta Single stamp in "f" position from CTC Transistra 29-40. Stamp is identical to CTC Transistra 29, 39, and 41. One of three identical stamps on the same sheet.

CTC 39 "A" 28 Oct 98 Caretta caretta Single stamp in "k" position from CTC Transistra 29-40. Stamp is identical to CTC Transistra 29, 34, and 41. One of three identical stamps on the same sheet.

CTC 41 "A" 28 Oct 98 Caretta caretta Single sheet w/ turtle from CTC Transistra 41-44. This stamp is identical to CTC Transistra 29, 34, and 39.

CTC 41 -44 "A" 28 Oct 98 Caretta caretta Imperf. sheetlet of four w/ Turtle, Birds, & Dolphin. Selvedge inscribed "World Wide Found (sic) for Nature. Shows WWF symbol. Small songbirds in selvedge.

Main page Last updated:   Jun 5, 2012