What's New:  June 2000

Here is the material that was added or modified for this update:

  1. List of Stamps Arranged by Country

  2. Appendix II: Labels, Seals, Advertising Stamps, Etc.


    Sheet of two stamps issued 1 April 2000 by Foundation de la Faune du Quebec. Denomination of entire sheet is $10.00. One stamp depicts Atlantic puffins and the other stamp depicts two wood turtles (Clemmys insculpta). The turtle stamp bears a remarkably realistic painting by Patricia Pepin. These sheets are only on sale from the date of issue until 31 March 2001.


    Triptych of labels issued in 1938. They were for distribution during week 1 of the promotion. The three animals depicted are Moschops, Archelon, and Psittacosaurus with the turtle (Archelon) on the middle label.


    Label of unknown origin and date depicting a Mock Turtle and printed entirely in blue on white paper. Inscriptions are "Two Golden Slumbers", "Mourning Stamp", and prominently across the bottom of the label, "Wonderland".

  3. Appendix IV: Chelonian Taxa Appearing on Postage Stamps of the World
    Batagur baska
    Chitra indica
    Kinixys homeana
    Sternotherus odoratus

  4. Appendix V: Post Offices with "Turtle" or "Tortoise" in Their Names
    A new appendix compiled by Donald Riemer and Miriam Congedo.