Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

750f 18 Feb 00 Three Sea Turtles Sheet of eight stamps w/ a wide central gutter, having an overall photomosaic of the Titanic made up of thousands of tiny photographs, three of which depict sea turtles. Photos of turtles are so small as to be difficult to discern w/ the naked eye.

150f 1998? Ten Different Species Sheet of nine se-tenant stamps w/ a different turtle on each one, plus a Mauremys caspica in background, mostly hidden by stamps, showing in upper, left, and right selvedges. Date is from inscription on stamps. Pictures are identical to those on a poster printed in Italy in 1993.

150f 1998? Chelodina longicollis From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Emys orbicularis From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Mauremys nigricans From sheet opf nine. (This is the form M. m. mutica, which was once accorded specific status.)

150f 1998? Malaclemys terrapin From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Chrysemys picta dorsalis A poor depiction because of unrealistic colors, but the dorsal stripe is distinctive and this is the taxon identified w/ the same picture on a 1993 Italian poster. From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Geochelone gigantea From sheet of nine. Identified on 1993 Italian poster as Megalochelis gigantea.

150f 1998? Dermochelys coriacea From sheet of nine.

150f 1998? Pelodiscus sinensis From sheet of nine. Identified on 1993 Italian poster as Trionyx sinensis.

150f 1998? Cuora flavomarginata From sheet of nine.

Main page Last updated:   Sep 23, 2000