What's New:  December 2000

Here is the material that was added or modified for this update:

  1. Catalog Abbreviations
    CTC = Catalog of Local Stamp Issues, 1995-1998. (CTC Publishers Ltd., P.O. Box 395, Vilnius 2004, Lithuania) (In two volumes)
    SUL = Die Soldatenmarken der Schweiz. Heinrich Sulser. 1990 edition.

  2. List of Stamps Arranged by Country

  3. Appendix III: Turtle "Look-Alike" Stamps


    Henodus sp. - Date Unknown. See taxonomy of Henodus under Sierra Leone. These stamps are Cinderellas created by overprinting blocks of four old Soviet and Russian stamps w/ a large image of Henodus, a denomination of 5000, and the words "Postage" and "ADIGEY". The old stamps that were overprinted were Scott Russia 5724, 6060A, 6066A, and possibly others. Each new Cinderella occupies four of the old Soviet or Russian stamps. Adigey is an autonomous republic of Russia, located in the northwest Caucasus. Its capital is Maykop.

  4. Acknowledgements
    Ian Hunter
    Frank Wisskirchen

Last updated:  December 17, 2000