What's New:  September 2002

Here is the material that was added or modified for this update:

  1. List of Stamps Arranged by Country

  2. Appendix II: Labels, Seals, Advertising Stamps, Etc.


    Three revenue stamps from the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). All have the same design, showing a tortoise, an airplane and the wording: "JUNTA LOCAL DE DEFENSA PASIVA - CASTELLON". The 5cts denom. is green, the 10cts denom. is red and the 25cts denom. is blue.

    These stamps are listed in a specialized catalog of Spanish Civil War stamps known as the Sofima Catalog. The complete title is "Catalogo de los Sellos Locales Emitidos Durante la Guerra Civil Espanola 1936- 1939", published in 1995 by FESOFI. They are listed in that catalog as #33-35.

    They are also listed as #340-342 in a catalog called the Guillamon Catalog published in 1977. The complete title of this catalog and the name of the publisher are unknown at the present time.

  3. Appendix IV: Chelonian Taxa Appearing on Postage Stamps of the World
    Amyda cartilaginea (= Trionyx cartilaginous)
    Palea steindachneri
    Pelochelys bibroni

Last updated:  September 10, 2002