Additions and corrections for March 2007

A World-Wide List of Turtles and Tortoises on Stamps

by Donald N. Riemer


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Listed under ANTIGUA in the Scott Catalog.

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 1730 $6.00 25 Oct 93 Cartoon Chelonian S/S for Mickey Mouse's 65th anniversary. Single stamp in upper right corner of sheet. Large reproduction of a movie poster on left side of sheet for a movie called "Mickey's Revue" (1932). Mickey as one man band. Tortoise banging head against bass drum when Mickey steps on shell.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 2070 0.55Eur 06 Nov 06 Emys orbicularis Adult on land facing three-quarters right. Every fifth stamp on roll is numbered on the back. Inscribed "Europaische sumpfschildkrote" in very small letters. Date also reported as 11 Nov 06.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

1000f 2006 Geochelone pardalis Cinderella s/s of one stamp w/ large leopard tortoise facing left in selvedge. Stamp has head of unidentified tortoise w/ bright yellow jaw and neck, facing directly toward camera. Sheet margin inscribed "Nature D'Afrique".

1000f 2006 Unidentified Tortoise Individual Cinderella stamp from s/s. Head of tortoise w/ bright yellow jaw and neck looking directly toward camera. Fleur-de-lis in upper left corner of stamp.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 2994 2.50r 27 Sep 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle Single stamp w/ six different stylized paintings in six wavy-edged boxes. One painting is of a sea turtle and a SCUBA diver. National Tourism issue (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago).


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

See ** April 07 Dermochelys coriacea From second set of four endangered species. Set will include a right whale, a northern cricket frog, a leatherback turtle and a white sturgeon. To be issued in April 2007. **They will be domestic rate stamps.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

20c 26 Jan 07 Unknown at this time "Greetings" booklet of ten 20c stamps w/ turtle for "hello".

20c 26 Jan 07 Unknown at this time Individual stamp from booklet of ten.

$20 26 Jan 07 Unknown at this time Pane of six se-tenant $20 "greetings" stamps. Turtle on one for "hello". Panes of six se-tenant 25c stamps, 50c stamps, 75c stamps, 80c stamps and $1 stamps w/ the same designs as the $25 stamps were issued the same day.

$20 26 Jan 07 Unknown at this time Individual stamp from se-tenant pane of six. Panes of six se-tenant 25c stamps, 50c stamps, 75c stamps, 80c stamps and $1 stamps w/ the same designs as the $25 stamps were issued the same day.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

12 17 Jan 07 Turtle Shell Object Fingernail guard from the Cing Dynasty, made from tortoiseshell from the hawksbill turtle and inlaid w/ jewels. Issued by the Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd., a legitimate private post w/ over 1300 post offices throughout Taiwan. It was formerly a government agency that became privatized.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 344 Various 13 Jun 06 Chelonia mydas Sheetlet of twenty se-tenant stamps, each depicting a bird, fish or turtle of the coral reefs. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 344 m 25c 13 Jun 06 Chelonia mydas Adult swimming up and right. Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Cocos (Keeling) Islands #344.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

0.30 2006 Geochelone elephantopus Adult facing left w/ head turned to face viewer. Inscribed "Islas Galapagos", "Galapago" and "IMP.IGM -2006".


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC Various 30 Mar 06 Cartoon Turtle Booklet of six stamps, each w/ a dressed teddy bear and an attached label w/ an unclothed teddy bear. Same designs as Scott Hong Kong #1181a and 1181b. Back pages of booklet contain self-adhesive, "peelables" of various items of clothing and accessories such as eyeglasses, neckties and feather plumes for dressing the bears on the labels, much like paper dolls. Scott has assigned a number to the booklet pane (#1181a) but not to the entire booklet.

SC 1181 $5 30 Mar 06 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from either Scott Hong Kong #1181a or 1181b. Dressed teddy bear w/ small turtle in bottom right corner. Stamp inscribed "Dress Bear Up" along bottom margin.

SC 1181 a Various 30 Mar 06 Cartoon Turtle Booklet pane containing one each of Scott Hong Kong #1180 and #1181. Small turtle in lower right corner of #1181.

SC 1181 b Various 30 Mar 06 Cartoon Turtle S/S of six stamps (including #1181) plus one label. Each stamp w/ a dressed teddy bear. Sheet inscribed "Dress Bear Up" in central, horizontal gutter.


See End Note #11 for information about Japanese postal cards w/ turtles.

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 2919 Hj Various 23 Jun 05 Cartoon "Pokemon" Turtle Booklet pane from booklet of various stamps plus eight pre-stamped postal cards. Pokemon character "Squirtle" on booklet cover. No turtles on stamps or postal cards inside of booklet. Turtle on cover only. The Scott number (2919Hj) refers to the booklet pane only, not the complete booklet with the cover, including the turtle.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

35w 2005 Stone Turtles S/S of six 35 won stamps and six labels, all depicting various buildings (temples?) and monuments. Monuments and sculptures in sheet margin. One label depicts a small building w/ a path leading between two stone turtles, each supporting a vertical stone column. Turtles are facing directly toward viewer. Another view of a turtle and column in sheet margin.

Various 2005 Stone Turtle S/S of three 35 won stamps, one 75 won stamp and three labels, all depicting buildings (temples?) or large golden religious figures. One of the 35 won stamps depicts a stone turtle supporting a vertical column. Margin of sheet is a photo of wooded hills.

35w 2005 Stone Turtle Individual stamp w/ stone turtle from 2005 sheet of three 35 won stamps, one 75 won stamp and three labels. Man's portrait in oval in upper left corner of stamp. Man's dates of birth and death are 1055-1101.


Scott stopped listing Liberian stamps issued after August 1999 because there was no postal service in that country due to the civil war. They resumed listing them in 2005.

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 2389 $45 17 Jan 06 Generalized Tortoises Se-tenent sheet of four $45 stamps w/ different animals on each. Pair of tortoises on one stamp. Pane inscribed "Animals of the Bible". Noah's Ark in upper right selvedge. This is pane 3 of three similar panes issued this date.

SC 2389 c $45 17 Jan 06 Generalized Tortoises Single stamp w/ tortoises from Scott Liberia #2389. This is from pane 3 of three similar panes issued this date.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

YV 1328 -35 2pcts 2006 Stone Turtle S/S of eight hexagonal stamps, all w/ 2ptcs denom. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "I Ching Pa Kua V". Tutle on one stamp only.

YV 1331 2pcts 2006 Stone turtle Carved stone turtle at base of stone monument. Individual hexagonal stamp w/ turtle from sheet of eight hexagonal stamps.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

$1 09 Oct 06 Cuora amboinensis One individual in very shallow water, facing right. Small second individual in background. From set of three semi-aquatic animal stamps or from sheet of twenty identical stamps.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 1238 Various 14 Mar 06 Pseudemys scripta elegans Sheetlet of sixteen different se-tenant stamps depicting various birds, mammals, fish and one turtle. Date also reported as 13 April 06 and 21 April 06.

SC 1238 h 7c 14 Mar 06 Pseudemys scripta elegans Immature individual on log, facing up and left, overlooking water. Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Malta #1238. Date also reported as 13 April 06 and 21 Apr 06.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

0.54eu 20 Jan 07 Chelonia mydas Map of Mayotte w/ twelve identifiable stamps superimposed on it. The stamp at the top right is Scott Mayotte #93 which has a prominent green sea turtle on it. Issued for the 10th anniversary of modern Mayotte philately.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

75c 2006? Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of four 75c stamps w/ much marginal writing. One stamp shows Peace Corps volunteers tagging a sea turtle. "Peace Corps Palau, 40th Anniversary" in large letters across top of sheet, map of Palau in background.

75c 2006? Unidentified Sea Turtle Individual stamp w/ turtle from s/s issued for 40th anniversary of Palau Peace Corps.

SC 103 14c 22 May 86 Eretmochelys imbricata Se-tenant sheet of 40 stamps forming a single panoramic picture. Upper selvedge inscribed "Palau, World of Sea and Reef - A Philatelic Panorama". Upper selvedge also has logos for Ameripex '86. The designs of the stamps on this sheet are identical to those on Scott Palau #854. Only the denominations differ. Descriptions on backs of stamps under gum. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 103 a 14c 22 May 86 Eretmochelys imbricata ANY individual stamp from Scott Palau #103 is designated 103a by Scott. The turtle stamp is actually in what would normally be called the "w" position. This stamp is identical to Scott Palau #854w except for the denomination.

SC 854 18c 29 May 06 Eretmochelys imbricata Se-tenant sheet of 40 stamps forming a single panoramic picture. Upper selvedge inscribed "Palau, World of Sea and Reef - A Philatelic Panorama". Upper selvedge also has logo for World Philatelic Exhibition - Washington 2006. Bottom selvedge inscribed "20th Anniversary of First Postal Sheetlet - Celebrating 50 years of Service to the Worldwide Postal Community". Individual stamp designs are identical to those on Scott Palau #103. The only differences are the denominations. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 854 w $18 29 May 06 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Palau #854. Identical to Scott Palau #103a except for denomination.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 644 Various 30 Aug 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of four stamps depicting cave dwellers of Henderson Island. Sea turtle on beach spans two of the stamps.

SC 644 a 60c 30 Aug 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle Individual stamp from Scott Pitcairn #644 containing anterior portion of turtle.

SC 644 b $1.20 30 Aug 06 Unidentified Sea TUrtle Individual stamp from Scott Pitcairn #644 containing posterior portion of turtle.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

50000Dbs 2006? Chelonia mydas S/S of one stamp depicting a turtle, otters, a sea slug, and a crocodilian. Margin of sheet depicts two turtles, otters, fish and a satellite.

50000Dbs 2006? Chelonia mydas Individual stamp w/ turtle, otters, sea slug and crocodilian from s/s of one stamp. Probably a Cinderella item not authorized by San Tome postal authorities.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

1000/- 2006 Chelonia mydas Close-up photo of dorsal aspect of head, front of carapace and left front flipper of turtle. From "Species of Zanzibar" sheetlet of four.

600s 30 Jun 06 Sea Turtle, Tortoise Sheetlet of six stamps, two of which depict turtles; one green turtle and one giant tortoise. Others depict sailboats, a monkey and a land crab. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Beauty of Zanzibar". Green turtle from Mnemba Island; giant tortoise from Changuu Island.

600s 30 Jun 06 Chelonia mydas Photo of adult on beach facing camera. "Beauty of Zanzibar" inscribed in lower right corner. From "Beauty of Zanzibar" sheetlet of six.

600s 30 Jun 06 Unidentified Tortoise Photo of adult facing camera, head and neck turned to side. "Beauty of Zanzibar" inscribed in lower right corner. From "Beauty of Zanzibar" sheetlet of six.

1000/- 2006 Chelonia mydas Sheetlet of four 1000/- stamps depicting a turtle, a coconut crab, a frangipane flower and a Syke's monkey. Left margin of sheet inscribed "Species of Zanzibar" and "Conserve".


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

350f 28 Dec 06 Cyclanorbis senegalensis Sheet of eight 350f stamps, each depicting a turtle. There are two each of four different stamps. Top of sheet inscribed "Trionyx a clapets du Senegal". Bottom of sheet inscribed "World Wide Fund For Nature". WWF logo and initials on upper right corner of each stamp and lower left corner of sheet.

350f 28 Dec 06 Cyclanorbis senegalensis Similar to sheet of eight Cyclanorbis senegalensis stamps but this one has four of each of the four different stamps for a total of sixteen.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

Various 31 Dec 05 Turtle Shell Object S/S containing five stamps in a vertical column, depicting various pearl diving tools. On the left of the sheet is a photo of divers in the water, next to a boat. The top stamp in the column of five is identical to Scott United Arab Emirates #824 except it has one-half of a "pearl" affixed to the lower left corner, as do the other four stamps on the S/S. This sheet was produced in extremely limited numbers.

50f 21 Dec 05 Turtle Shell Object Individual stamp w/ nose clip from "Pearl Diving Tools" s/s w/ one-half of a "pearl" affixed to lower left corner. Identical to Scott United Arab Emirates #824 except for one-half of a pearl affixed to lower left corner of stamp.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

0.85 05 Oct 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of eight stamps, each w/ the flag and a representative coin of a different nation. The stamp representing Cape Verde has a sea turtle on it.

0.85 05 Oct 06 Unidentified Sea Turtle Individual stamp representing Cape Verde from Flag and Coin sheet. The coin has a sea turtle on it. The coin depicted on the stamp is a 1 Escudo brass-plated steel coin from Cape Verde (Krause-Mishler #27). Last updated:   Mar 22, 2007