Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

Various Eight Different Species Large sheet of twenty-four different stamps, all w/ photos of tortoises or freshwater turtles. Twenty small pictures of turtles appear in the left and right margins of sheet. Upper and lower margins of sheet inscribed w/ the scientific names of the turtles on the stamps.

3$ Chelodina longicollis S/S of one stamp depicting a ventral view of the turtle in water. Same photograph faintly appears in selvedge, around stamp. WWF symbol in lower left corner of sheet. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in blue.

3$ Geochelone sulcata S/S of one stamp depicting a semi-dorsal view of a young tortoise. Same photograph faintly appears in selvedge, around stamp. WWF symbol in lower left corner of sheet. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. Scientific name appears in upper selvedge of sheet but species name is misspelled "suicata".

5$ Testudo graeca S/S of one stamp depicting a semi-dorsal view of turtle facing left. Same photograph faintly appears in selvedge, around stamp. WWF symbol in lower left corner of sheet. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red.

5$ Testudo graeca S/S of one stamp depicting a semi-dorsal view of tortoise facing right. Same photograph faintly appears in selvedge, around stamp. WWF symbol in lower left corner of sheet. Scientific name of tortoise inscribed on stamp in red.

5$ Testudo graeca S/S of one stamp depicting turtle facing left w/ head extended. Same photograph faintly appears in selvedge, around stamp. WWF symbol in lower left corner of sheet. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red.

5$ Cuora trifasciata? S/S of one stamp depicting an adult facing left and up. Same photograph faintly appears in selvedge, around stamp. WWF symbol in lower left corner of sheet. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. Turtle is actually Cuora galbinifrons, not trifasciata as indicated on stamp and sheet.

5$ Cuora trifasciata? S/S of one individual facing right. Same photograph faintly appears in selvedge, around stamp. WWF symbol in lower left corner of sheet. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. This turtle is probably mis-identified on the stamp and sheet. Actual identity of pictured turtle is unknown.

a 1c Chelodina longicollis Ventral view of head, neck, and anterior portion of plastron. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

b 3c Chelodina longicollis Anterior half of adult on log. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

c 5c Chelodina longicollis Dorsal view of adult w/ head fully extended and elevated. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

d 25c Chelodina longicollis Sub-adult on land, facing right, w/ head and neck fully extended. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

e 35c Chelodina longicicollis Two hatchlings; dorsal view of one, the other on it's back. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

f 50c Chelodina longicollis Close-up of hatchling facing left. Head and feet withdrawn. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

g 70c Emys orbicularis Adult facing right w/ head withdrawn. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

h 75c Emys orbicularis Adult facing right, head extended. Bright pattern on shell. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

i 80c Emys orbicularis Adult facing right, head partially extended. No pattern visible on shell. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

j 1$ Graptemys geographica Head of adult facing right. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

k 2$ Graptemys geographica Head and anterior half of shell of adult facing right. Although the stamp is inscribed Graptemys geographica, this is incorrect. The turtle depicted is most likely Pseudemys rubiventris. From sheet of twenty four.

l 70c Graptemys geographica Adult on land, facing right. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

l 1c Malaclemys terrapin Adult w/ highly patterned shell, facing right. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

m 3c Malaclemys terrapin Adult on grass facing left. Plain, olive-colored shell. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

n 5c Malaclemys terrapin Adult on grass, facing left. Highly patterned shell. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

o 25c Testudo hermanni Adult on grass, facing left. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

p 35c Testudo hermanni Adult on grass, facing right. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

q 50c Testudo hermanni Adult on grass facing toward camera. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

r 70c Testudo horsfieldi Brightly colored immature specimen facing left. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

s 75c Testudo horsfieldi Two individuals: one facing right, one facing away from camera. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

t 80c Testudo horsfieldi Adult facing right. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

u 1$ Phrynops hilarii Adult facing right. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

v 2$ Phrynops hilarii Head of adult, facing left. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

w 70c Phrynops geoffroanus Adult on land, facing left. Scientific name of turtle inscribed on stamp in red. From sheet of twenty four.

Main page Last updated:   Dec 4, 2007