Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
Various | 1999 | Unidentified Tortoise | This is Batum CTC #262-271 w/ each stamp o/p'd in black w/ the logo for Philex France 99 and the words "Hobby Day". | |||||||||||
1300 | 1999 | Unidentified Tortoise | This is Batum CTC #270 o/p'd in black w/ the logo for Philex France 99 and the words "Hobby Day". | |||||||||||
1400 | 1999 | Unidentified Tortoise | This is Batum CTC #271 o/p'd in black w/ the logo for Philex France 99 and the words "Hobby Day". | |||||||||||
Various | 1999 | Unidentified Tortoise | This is Batum CTC #262-271 w/ each stamp o/p'd in green w/ the logo for Philex France 99 and the words "Hobby Day". | |||||||||||
1300 | 1999 | Unidentified Tortoise | This is Batum CTC #270 o/p'd in green w/ the logo for Philex France 99 and the words "Hobby Day". | |||||||||||
1400 | 1999 | Unidentified Tortoise | This is Batum CTC #271 o/p'd in green w/ the logo for Philex France 99 and the words "Hobby Day". | |||||||||||
CTC | 262 | -271 | Various | 12 Mar 97 | Unidentified Tortoise | Sheet of ten stamps depicting dozens of endangered species including insects, mammals, birds and reptiles. | Tortoise spans two of the stamps and extends slightly into the margin of the sheet. | |||||||
CTC | 270 | 1300 | 12 Mar 97 | Unidentified Tortoise | Anterior half of tortoise is on this stamp. | Single stamp from CTC Batum 262-271. | ||||||||
CTC | 271 | 1400 | 12 Mar 97 | Unidentified Tortoise | Posterior half of tortoise is on this stamp. | Single stamp from CTC Batum 262-271. | ||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
25f | 2008? | Cartoon Tortoise | This is Dahomey Scott #297 w/ the original denomination struck out w/ two horizontal black lines and a black surcharge of 25f added. Also, the word "Dahomey" is covered w/ a black rectangle and the word "Benin" is o/p'd beneath it. | Reportedly issued in 2008 but this has not been confirmed. | ||||||||||
600f | 2008 | Cartoon Tortoise | Sheet of eight stamps and one label w/ characters from Disney's movies Kung Fu Panda and Ratatouille. Tortoise on one stamp plus two tortoise heads in sheet margin. | Bottom margin of sheet inscribed "Jeux de la XXIXe Olympiade - Beijing 2008". | ||||||||||
600f | 2008 | Cartoon Tortoise | Individual stamp w/ tortoise from sheet of eight featuring characters from Disney movies Kung Fu Panda and Ratatouille. | Tortoise is facing left. Olympic rings at top center of stamp. | ||||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
450f | 2008 | Various Sea Turtles | Sheet of nine 450f stamps, all w/ undersea scenes. Turtles on stamps in d, h and i positions. Jules Verne in lower left corner of sheet and Jacques Costeau in lower right corner. | Swimmer Hayden Hirsch in stamp in e position. | ||||||||||
450f | 2008 | Eretmochelys imbricata | Close-up of face of SCUBA diver and head of turtle, looking at each other. | Individual stamp from d position on sheet of nine w/ Jules Verne and Jacque Costeau. | ||||||||||
450f | 2008 | Dermochelys coriacea | SCUBA diver hanging onto carapace of turtle. | Individual stamp from h position on sheet of nine w/ Jules Verne and Jacque Costeau. | ||||||||||
450f | 2008 | Eretmochelys imbricata | Swimming turtle in foreground w/ shadowy outline of SCUBA diver in background. | Individual stamp from i position on sheet of nine w/ Jules Verne and Jacque Costeau. | ||||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
SC | 1934 | 32c | 28 Jul 08 | Cartoon-Like Turtle | Fiftieth Anniversary of the Higher Polytechnic Institute of the Coast. School's emblem is circular, w/ a turtle in the center and it appears twice on the stamp. | Stamp inscribed "50 Anos Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral". | ||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
SC | 144 | 10c | 14 Mar 96 | Mauremys caspica? | Sheetlet of sixteen stamps forming a unified scene in a freshwater marsh. A turtle is shown, half out of the water and half underwater. | The turtle overlaps onto two of the stamps on the sheet (144l & 144p). Mr. Wolfgang Bischoff feels the turtle is Testudo graeca iberia despite the fact that it is pictured w/ half of its body in the water. | ||||||||
SC | 144 | l | 10c | 14 Mar 96 | Mauremys caspica? | Single stamp from Scott Georgia #144, showing anterior half of turtle, above water. | Mr. Wolfgang Bischoff feels the turtle is Testudo graeca iberia despite the fact that it is pictured w/ half of its body in the water. | |||||||
SC | 144 | p | 10c | 14 Mar 96 | Mauremys caspica? | Single stamp from Scott Georgia #144, showing posterior half of turtle, underwater. | Mr. Wolfgang Bischoff feels the turtle is Testudo graeca iberia despite the fact that it is pictured w/ half of its body in the water. | |||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
* | 12 Feb 09 | Geochelone elephantopus | Stamp w/ giant tortoise and cactus finch from s/s of four stamps issued for 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. | * This is a non-denominated first-class stamp. | ||||||||||
Various | 12 Feb 09 | Geochelone elephantopus | S/S containing four stamps featuring the Galapagos Islands. Tortoise on one. | Issued for the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. | ||||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
150FCA | 18 Dec 02 | Pelusios castaneus | Adult facing left w/ white background. | From set of four reptile stamps. Updated species name courtesy of Mr. Nils Boysen. | ||||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
SC | 3814 | b | Various | 15 Dec 98 | Three Species of Turtles | Booklet of 12 stamps (3 each of 4 different stamps). Dermochelys coriacea on front cover, Chinemys reevesii and Caretta caretta on back cover. | Turtles depicted on stamps are Chinemys reevesii, Caretta caretta, and Dermochelys coriacea (Scott North Korea #3811-14). Booklet was formerly listed here as Scott 3811-14 V. (where "V" stood for variety). | |||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
SC | 2246 | a | 250w | 19 Mar 07 | Silhouette of Sea Turtle | Sheetlet of two identical stamps w/ what appears to be a chromosome and a DNA molecule on each. Silhouettes of various animals, including a sea turtle, in background of stamps and in margin of sheet. | Sheet inscribed "The Year of Biology 2007". Small, pale, shadowy silhouette of sea turtle in margin of sheet. This stamp was formerly listed here, in error, as being from the Republic of China (Taiwan). | |||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
Various | 2007 | Kinixys erosa | S/S of two stamps, one w/ tortoise facing right and one w/ a character from Disneys "The Lion King". Border w/ Sir Robert Smith Baden-Powell and Walt Elias Disney. | Upper selvedge of sheet inscribed "Disney and Fauna". Probably a Cinderella issue. | ||||||||||
250k | 2007 | Kinixys erosa | Individual stamp w/ turtle from "Disney and Fauna" sheet of two. | Boy Scout emblem in upper right corner of stamp. | ||||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
0.55e | 10 Nov 08 | Embroidered Sea Turtles | Woman doing embroidery w/ finished embroidered pieces in background, one of which shows three sea turtles. | Stamp inscribed "La broiderie". | ||||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
SC | 2505 | 30.50p | 30 Nov 05 | Stylized Turtle Figurine | Folk art turtle made of obsidian and opal. | This stamp was later re-issued w/ tiny "2006" inscribed in bottom margin, again w/ "2007" and again w/ "2008" in bottom margin. | ||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
SC | 1765 | Various | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Sheet of six se-tenent stamps w/ a frog on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. | Sheet is inscribed "Ras". | ||||||||
SC | 1765 | a | 8 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting a frog of the genus Gastrotheca. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1765 | b | 8 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting a frog from the genus Mantella. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1765 | c | 8 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting Rana esculenta. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1765 | d | 33 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting Litoria rubella. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1765 | e | 33 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting a frog of the family Dendrobatidae. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1765 | f | 33 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Ras" sheet depicting a frog of the genus Pyxicephalus. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1775 | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Sheet of six 20mtn se-tenent stamps w/ a venomous fish on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. | Sheet is inscribed "Peixes Venenosos". | ||||||||
SC | 1775 | a | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the family Scorpaenidae. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1775 | b | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the family Balistidae (misspelled Balistodae on the stamp). | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1775 | c | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the genus Antennarius. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1775 | d | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the family Triglidae. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1775 | e | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the genus Hydrocynus. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1775 | f | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Peixes Venenosos" sheet depicting a fish of the genus Lophius. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1776 | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Sheet of six 20mtn se-tenent stamps w/ a crustacean or a cephalopod on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. | Sheet is inscribed "Crustacios" despite the fact that two of the stamps depict cephalopods, not crustaceans. | ||||||||
SC | 1776 | a | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting Birgus latrio. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1776 | b | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting a crustacean of the genus Panulirus. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1776 | c | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting Gecarcoidea natalis. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1776 | d | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting the cephalopod Loligo opalescens. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1776 | e | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting a crustacean of the genus Ocypode. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1776 | f | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Crustacios" sheet depicting a cephalopod of the genus Hapalochlaena. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1777 | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Sheet of six 20mtn se-tenent stamps w/ a lizard on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. | Sheet is inscribed "Lagartos". | ||||||||
SC | 1777 | a | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting Varanus niloticus. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1777 | b | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting Chamaeleo jacksonii. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1777 | c | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting Varanus exanthematicus. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1777 | d | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting a lizard of the genus Scincus. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1777 | e | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting a lizard of the genus Brookesia. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1777 | f | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Lagartos" sheet depicting Furcifer pardalis. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1778 | 20.00m | 10 Dec 07 | 5 Species of Sea Turtles | Sheetlet of six stamps, each w/ a sea turtle swimming to the right and a map of Africa in the background. Tiny turtle on map. | Scientific name of turtle appears on each stamp. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Tartarugas". | ||||||||
SC | 1778 | a | 20.00m | 10 Dec 07 | Natator depressus | Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | ||||||||
SC | 1778 | b | 20.00m | 10 Dec 07 | Eretmochelys imbricata | Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | ||||||||
SC | 1778 | c | 20.00m | 10 Dec 07 | Lepidochelys olivacea | Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | Turtle w/ darker neck than turtle on Scott Mozambique #1778d. | |||||||
SC | 1778 | d | 20.00m | 10 Dec 07 | Lepidochelys olivacea | Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | Turtle w/ lighter neck than turtle on Scott Mozambique #1778c. | |||||||
SC | 1778 | e | 20.00m | 10 Dec 07 | Caretta caretta | Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | ||||||||
SC | 1778 | f | 20.00m | 10 Dec 07 | Chelonia mydas | Turtle swimming to right w/ map of Africa in background. Tiny turtle on map. | ||||||||
SC | 1779 | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Sheet of six 20 mtn se-tenent stamps w/ a snake on each and a map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small sea turtle. | Sheet is inscribed "Cobras". | ||||||||
SC | 1779 | a | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Bitis nasicornis. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1779 | b | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Bitis gabonica. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1779 | c | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Ophiophagus hannah. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1779 | d | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Thelolornis kirtlandii. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1779 | e | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting Dendroaspis angusticeps. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1779 | f | 20 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | Individual stamp from "Cobras" sheet depicting a snake of the genus Antheris. | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | |||||||
SC | 1795 | 132 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | S/S w/ one stamp depicting a fish of the subfamily Thassophryninae. Additional fish in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Peixes Venenosos". | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | ||||||||
SC | 1796 | 132 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | S/S w/ one stamp depicting Chauliodus, a deep sea fish. Crabs in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Faune Submarino". | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | ||||||||
SC | 1797 | 132 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | S/S w/ one stamp depicting Dendroaspis polylepis. Additional snakes in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Cobras". | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | ||||||||
SC | 1798 | 132 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | S/S w/ one stamp depicting a Pogona vitticeps. Additional lizards in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Lagartos". | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | ||||||||
SC | 1800 | 132.00m | 10 Dec 07 | Four Species Of Turtles | S/S of one stamp w/ Eretmochelys imbricata on stamp and four other turtles in margin, including a large Clemmys insculpta in lower right corner and an Eretmochelys imbricata in lower left corner. Tiny turtle on map of Africa in background of stamp. | Sea turtle in lower left corner of sheet identified as E. imbricata by George Balazs. | ||||||||
SC | 1801 | 132 mtn | 10 Dec 07 | Stylized Sea Turtle | S/S w/ one stamp depicting Pyxicephalus adspersus. Additional frogs in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Ras". | Stamp has map of Africa upon which is superimposed a small stylized sea turtle. | ||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
75fr | 15 Dec 08 | Unidentified Sea Turtle | S/S of six stamps w/ birds, fish, snake, dugong, turtles and whale. | Lagoons of New Caledonia inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. | ||||||||||
110f | 07 Nov 08 | Unidentified Turtle | Simple, child-like drawing of a turtle, a dolphin and a lizard-like creature in the foreground w/ a white bird flying overhead. | This is the 2008 Christmas stamp as evidenced by a banner in the lower right corner inscribed "Joyeux Noel". | ||||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
Various | 03 Dec 08 | Chelonia mydas | Pane of four se-tenant stamps w/ various views of green turtles in water and on beach. | Inscribed "Green Turtles of Henderson Island" and "UNESCO World Heritage Site". | ||||||||||
60c | 03 Dec 08 | Chelonia mydas | Anterior half of turtle swimming underwater. | Vertical stamp. | ||||||||||
$1.00 | 03 Dec 08 | Chelonia mydas | Turtle swimming underwater, to right and slightly away from viewer. | Denomination incorrectly listed as $2 in Linn's Stamp News dated 5 January 09 (page 46). Stamp is horizontal. | ||||||||||
$2.00 | 03 Dec 08 | Chelonia mydas | Turtle emerging from surf onto beach. | Stamp is horizontal. | ||||||||||
$2.50 | 03 Dec 08 | Chelonia mydas | Four hatchlings on beach. | Stamp is vertical. | ||||||||||
Catalog # | Denom. | Date | Turtle | Description | Comment | |||||||||
1.50Bs | Jan 2008 | Eretmochelys imbricata | Large turtle on left side of stamp, woman's face on right. " Luisa Caceres de Arismandi" inscribed under woman's portrait. "Detalle del billete de Bs. 20" inscribed along top margin of stamp. | Both the woman's face and the turtle are details taken from a Venezuelan 20Bs bill. | ||||||||||
Various | Jan 2008 | Eretmochelys imbricata | Sheet of fourteen stamps, each depicting a Venezuelan coin or details from a Venezuelan banknote. Description of each coin or banknote in sheet margin. | One stamp has a woman's face and a turtle taken from a Venezuelan 20Bs bill. | |||||||||| | Last updated: Mar 4, 2009 |