Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

55c 04 Aug 09 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming up and left. Inscribed "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" vertically along lower left margin and "Australia" in upper right corner. Since Australia took over responsibility for postal services on Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1 January 1994 and since the names of both countries appear on this stamp, the stamp is cross referenced under both countries in this database.

55c 04 Aug 09 Chelonia mydas Identical in every way to stamp issued this date w/ "Australia" in upper right corner except on this stamp the word "Australia" is replaced with "Norfolk Island". Since this stamp is inscribed both "Norfolk Island" and "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", it is being cross referenced under both countries in this database.

Main page Last updated:   Sep 3, 2009