Additions and corrections for December 2009

A World-Wide List of Turtles and Tortoises on Stamps

by Donald N. Riemer


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Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

15p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant pair of 15p stamps w/ a picture of Dr. Archie Carr on each w/ a balloon. Issued for the 100th birth anniversary of Dr. Archie Carr, pioneering sea turtle researcher and educator.

15p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Photo of head of green turtle on left, Archie Carr w/ balloon on right. Issued for the 100th birth anniversary of Dr. Archie Carr, pioneering sea turtle researcher and educator.

15p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Close-up photo of Dr. Archie Carr w/ balloon on left, map of Ascension Island on right. Issued for the 100th birth anniversary of Dr. Archie Carr, pioneering sea turtle researcher and educator.

35p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant pair w/ eggs being deposited in nest and hatchlings on beach. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

35p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Stamp w/ head of turtle on left and eggs being deposited in nest on right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

35p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Stamp w/ hatchlings on beach at left and map of Ascension Island at right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

40p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant pair showing beach raking and population monitoring. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

40p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Stamp w/ turtle's head on left and man raking beach on right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

40p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Stamp w/ woman on left, taking notes on sea turtle populations and map of Ascension Island on right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

65p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Se-tenant pair w/ different scenes of turtle rescue operations. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

65p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Turtle head on left and a person in red clothing engaged in a sea turtle rescue operation on right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

65p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas A person dressed in red and a person dressed in white engaged in a sea turtle rescue operation are depicted at left. A map of Ascension Island is at right. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

15p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Mini sheet of six stamps showing Dr. Archie Carr w/ a balloon. Sea turtle hatchlings on beach in bottom margin of sheet. Issued for the 100th birth anniversary of Dr. Archie Carr, pioneering sea turtle researcher and educator.

35p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Mini sheet of six stamps, three showing eggs being deposited in nest and three showing hatchlings on beach. Nesting female throwing sand in air in sheet margin. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

40p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Mini sheet of six stamps. Three show a person raking a beach and three show a woman writing in a notebook. Margin of sheet shows turtle tracks in the sand. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.

65p 01 Oct 09 Chelonia mydas Mini sheet of six stamps. Three showing one person rescuing a sea turtle and three showing two people rescuing a sea turtle. Adult turtle in surf in sheet margin. Issued to promote sea turtle research and conservation.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 1616 a 45c 04 Sep 97 Ninjemys oweni Se-tenant strip of five stamps, one of which depicts Ninjemys oweni, an extinct genus and species. Ninjemys oweni had prominant lateral horns on it's skull and a clubbed tail. This strip of five also exists in a prestige booklet w/ a broad greenish-blue margin around the strip.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 1380 25f 2009? Cartoon Tortoise This is Dahomey Scott #297 w/ the original denomination struck out w/ two horizontal black lines and a black surcharge of 25f added. Also, the word "Dahomey" is covered w/ a black rectangle and the word "Benin" is o/p'd beneath it. Reportedly issued in 2009 but this has not been confirmed.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

Various 05 Oct 09 Eretmochelys imbricata S/S of twelve different stamps depicting turtles, fish, flowers, birds and river scenes. One stamp depicts three turtles. Large birds in left margin of sheet. Lower sheet margin inscribed "British Indian Ocean Territory * Definitive Stamp Issue 2009".

2.64pnds 05 Oct 09 Eretmochelys imbricata Individual stamp w/ three turtles from s/s issued this date. One turtle on beach, facing right and two turtles in water.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 4481 Various 21 Jul 08 Mauremys caspica rivulata S/S of two stamps (one w/ wild canine & pups, the other w/ an eagle on a branch). Turtle in lower right corner of sheet. No turtles on stamps.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

80 06 Nov 05 Cartoon Turtles Sheet of 12 identical stamps and 10 labels. Labels MAY be available for personalization but the default pictures on the labels all show children in various activities. Two labels show children at the beach w/ cartoon turtles. Issued for International Children's Day. Design on all 12 stamps consists of 12 red circles, each containing a cartoon human figure and an animal (representing the Chinese signs of the zodiac?). The stamps are Scott China, People's Republic of #3460. The sheet (and therefore the labels) are not listed by Scott.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

3000fc 2009 Three Species S/S of one stamp depicting a Geochelone pardalis. Margin of sheet depicts eight turtles, including a large Chelonia mydas and a Geochelone pardalis emerging from its egg. Margin of sheet inscribed "Les Tortues" followed by a long paragraph of text.

Various 2009 Six Species Mini sheet of six stamps, all depicting turtles. Sheet inscribed "Les Tortues" w/ plain white margins. Turtles depicted are Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, Chelus fimbriatus, an unidentified tortoise, Caretta caretta, and Chelonia mydas.

200fc 2009 Dermochelys coriacea Adult swimming to right and slightly downward. From mini sheet of six stamps inscribed "Les Tortues".

250fc 2009 Eretmochelys imbricata Adult swimming right. From mini sheet of six stamps inscribed "Les Tortues".

350fc 2009 Chelus fimbriatus Adult facing right w/ neck extended. From mini sheet of six stamps inscribed "Les Tortues".

450fc 2009 Unidentified Tortoise One individual facing right and slightly upwards. From mini sheet of six stamps inscribed "Les Tortues".

500fc 2009 Caretta caretta Adult swimming right and slightly downward. From mini sheet of six stamps inscribed "Les Tortues".

1000fc 2009 Chelonia mydas Adult swimming right w/ fore flippers in downward position. From mini sheet of six stamps inscribed "Les Tortues".


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

65c 2009 Cartoon Turtle Sheetlet of four 65c stamps illustrating children's stories. One stamp depicts a boy w/ a cartoon turtle in background. Sheet inscribed "Literatura Infantil" in upper right margin.

65c 2009? Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp w/ turtle from "Literatura Infantil" sheetlet of four.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

90c 08 Sep 09 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle swimming left w/ front flippers in down position. Background shows green, grooved brain coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis).


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

0.25c 18 Aug 09 Geochelone elephantopus Se-tenant pair of 25c stamps w/ tortoise on left stamp and giant panda and cub on right stamp. Issued for 100 years of diplomatic relations between Ecuador and China.

0.25c 18 Aug 09 Geochelone elephantopus Individual stamp w/ tortoise from se-tenant pair issued this date. Issued for 100 years of diplomatic relations between Ecuador and China.

1.97usd 2009? Geochelone elephantopus Postal stationery (postal card) w/ tortoise on imprinted stamp. Tortoise facing right w/ trees in background.

50 2009 Geochelone elephantopus Portrait of Charles Darwin in upper half of stamp. Four rectangular pictures across lower half of stamp, one of which depicts a tortoise (Lonesome George). Additional tortoise in the middle of the numeral "0" in the number "50".

Various 2009 Geochelone elephantopus S/S of nine stamps arranged on a white background w/ a starburst pattern in blue, formed by human arms, radiating from center of sheet. The turtle stamp is in the center of the sheet. The turtle stamp is round, w/ a denomination of 2.00 usd.

2.00usd 2009 Geochelone elephantopus Individual round stamp from s/s issued this date. Has a very small portrait of Charles Darwin near bottom of stamp.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

310f 11 Sep 09 Chelonia mydas S/S w/ three stamps showing three different marine animals. Sheet margin shows diver and various marine animals, including a turtle. An additional turtle on one stamp. Sheet margin inscribed "Plongee, Tortue, Baleine". Each stamp has its own denomination but the sheet has a denomination of its own in the lower left corner.

100f 11 Sep 09 Chelonia mydas Individual stamp w/ turtle from s/s of three stamps issued this date. Turtle swimming to right w/ its upside-down image reflected in the bottom of the water surface, above the turtle.



Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

$2.50 21 Jul 09 Geochelone elephantopus Pane of four stamps, each showing the same photograph of Charles Darwin but a different animal on each stamp. Issued for Charles Darwin's 200th birth anniversary.

$2.50 21 Jul 09 Geochelone elephantopus Individual stamp w/ tortoise from pane of four. Issued for Charles Darwin's 200th birth anniversary.

$2.50 15 Sep 09 Cartoon Turtles Pane of four stamps, each depicting one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

$2.50 15 Sep 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Donatello.

$2.50 15 Sep 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Leonardo.

$2.50 15 Sep 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Raphael.

$2.50 15 Sep 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showing Michelangelo.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 1024 51p 26 Feb 09 Geochelone elephantopus Anterior third of tortoise facing left. Inscribed "Giant Tortoise" and "Darwin's Discoveries" in white bar along bottom margin. From six stamp set commemorating Darwin's discoveries.

SC 1024 var 51p 26 Feb 09 Geochelone elephantopus Vertical s/s w/ ten identical tortoise stamps (Scott Guernsey #1024) arranged in two vertical rows of five stamps each. A picture of the head of a tortoise appears in the bottom right selvedge of the sheet and a paragraph of text appears in the left selvedge. Commemorates the discoveries of Charles Darwin.

SC 1027 a Various 26 Feb 09 Geochelone elephantopus S/S containing the six different stamps of the "Charles Darwin Discoveries" set. Each stamp has a white bar across the bottom margin inscribed "Darwin's Discoveries" and the name of the animal depicted.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

5000fg 2009? Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of six 5000fg stamps with a man's portrait and a locomotive on each. Locomotives along bottom margin of sheet and large sea turtle in upper right corner. No turtles on stamps. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "John Shedd Reed".


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

5re 27 Jul 09 Mythical Turtle Depicts a mythical turtle w/ a human head and torso. It represents the incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Kuma, the turtle. Inscribed "Jayadeva and Geetagovinda".

27 Jul 09 Mythical Turtle Mini sheet of eleven including the stamp depicting Lord Vishnu as Kuma, the turtle.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

5000rp 11 May 09 Chelonia mydas Individual stamp w/ anterior half of turtle, facing left, from Scott Indonesia #2183. "WOC" monogram in upper left corner of stamp w/ "World Ocean Conference" inscribed below it in print so small as to be barely legible.

SC 2183 5000rp 11 May 09 Chelonia mydas S/S of one stamp w/ turtle swimming to left. Anterior half of turtle on stamp, posterior half in sheet margin. "WOC" monogram in upper right corner of sheet w/ "World Ocean Conference" inscribed below it in small print.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

Various 26 Aug 09 Two Species; Sea Turtles Mini sheet of four stamps depicting two different species of sea turtles. Nine small illustrations of sea turtles in margins. Bottom margin of sheet inscribed "Cooperating to Conserve Marine Turtles".

650r 26 Aug 09 Eretmochelys imbricata Hatchling, facing left.

1000r 26 Aug 09 Eretmochelys imbricata Adult on land, facing left.

1500r 26 Aug 09 Chelonia mydas Semi-dorsal view of adult swimming to right.

1850r 26 Aug 09 Chelonia mydas Semi-ventral view of adult swimming to right.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

110 2009? Caretta caretta S/S of four identical stamps, each depicting a turtle swimming right, underwater. Sheet margin shows four small turtles as follows: Red-Footed Tortoise in upper left corner, two sea turtles in lower left corner and a freshwater turtle in middle of right margin.

110 2009? Caretta caretta Any one of the four individual stamps from the Caretta caretta sheet issued in 2009?.

Various 2009 Unidentified Tortoise Mini sheet of six stamps depicting different species of birds. Tortoise at bottom margin of sheet. No turtles on stamps. Sheet inscribed "Birdpex" at bottom right corner.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

150k 2008 Testudo graeca Mini sheet of four stamps depicting a serval, a tortoise, a crocodile and a rhino. Upper margin of sheet inscribed "Animals of Africa" in pale, difficult-to-read letters.

150k 2008 Testudo graeca Individual stamp with tortoise from mini sheet of four which also includes a serval, crocodile and a rhino.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

440um 2009 Chelonia mydas Close up opf anterior half of turtle facing right. Inscribed "Tortue de mer" plus writing in Arabic.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC * Various 21 Jun 98 Primative Style Drawing Booklet consisting of four booklet panes (788a thru 791a) plus a front and back cover. Tiny primative style drawing of a sea turtle on back cover near upper right corner. No turtles on stamps. * Scott mentions the complete booklet and shows a price but does not assign a separate number to it.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 1687 7.50s 04 May 09 Podocnemis expansa Block of four 7.50s stamps depicting four endangered animals. Turtle on one. Sheet inscribed "Animals in Danger of Extinction".

SC 1687 c 7.50s 04 May 09 Podocnemis expansa Individual stamp w/ turtle from Scott Peru #1687.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

3L 28 Aug 09 Testudo graeca iberia Large tortoise facing three-quarters left is main design feature. Inscribed "Testoasa dobrogeana" in upper right corner. Stamp exists w/ an attached label that has the same drawing of the tortoise that appears on the stamp but the background on the label is all yellow.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

1.10e 2009 Emys orbicularis Sheetlet of six stamps, three identical stamps w/ turtles and three w/ European Fire Salamanders. Colorful circles between and around stamps in sheet margin.

1.10e 2009 Emys orbicularis Individual stamp w/ turtle from sheetlet of three turtles and three European Fire Salamanders.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

3500d 2009? Lepidochelys olivacea Scott St. Thomas and Prince Scott #1400 w/ denom blocked out w/ a red bar and o/p'd "Local ate 20g". Issued in mini sheets of four w/ all four o/p'd as described.

5000d 2009? Lepidochelys olivacea Scott St. Thomas and Prince Scott #1401 w/ denom blocked out w/ a red bar and o/p'd "Local ate 20g". Issued in mini sheets of four w/ all four o/p'd as described.

7500d 2009? Lepidochelys olivacea Scott St. Thomas and Prince Scott #1403 w/ denom blocked out w/ a red bar and o/p'd "Local ate 20g". Issued in mini sheets of four w/ all four o/p'd as described.


Also called ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES. (See separate listing for GRENADINES OF ST. VINCENT).

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

$2.50 15 Jul 09 Cartoon Turtles Pane of four stamps showing the comic book characters Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

$2.50 15 Jul 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four depicting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle named Michelangelo.

$2.50 15 Jul 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four depicting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle named Donatello.

$2.50 15 Jul 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four depicting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle named Leonardo.

$2.50 15 Jul 09 Cartoon Turtle Individual stamp from pane of four depicting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle named Raphael.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC 1891 15b 04 Aug 99 Toy Turtle Children playing w/ kitchen utensils and small toys in foreground. Very small toy turtle near lower right corner of stamp. Issued for Bangkok 2000 Stamp Exhibition. Perf. 14.5 x 14. This stamp also exists in two booklets, one w/ red binding & one w/ dark green binding. Neither booklet is listed by Scott.

SC 1891 a Various 04 Aug 99 Toy Turtle S/S of four stamps w/ fantasy scenes of children on each. Tiny toy turtle on one. Issued for Bangkok Stamp Exhibition 2000. Perf. 13.5.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

Various 02 Oct 09 Turtles on Sculpture Sheet of twenty stamps issued to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the U.N. Postal Authority in Geneva. Two identical 1.00fs stamps depict the Armillary Sphere. Small turtles form the base (or feet) of a sculpture called the "Armillary Sphere". Lighted building in margin of sheet. Date also reported as 01 Nov 09.

Various 02 Oct 09 Turtles on Sculpture Vertical sheet of ten stamps, one of which has the Armillary Sphere. No marginal illustrations or inscriptions on sheet. Date also reported as 1 Nov 09.

1.00fs 02 Oct 09 Turtles on Sculpture Individual stamp w/ Armillary Sphere from either sheet of ten or sheet of twenty. Issued to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the U.N. Postal Administration in Geneva. Date also reported as 1 Nov 09.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

SC ** ** 2008 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming up and to right. "Hawksbill Turtle" inscribed vertically in left selvedge but George Balazs has positively identified the turtle as a green, not a hawksbill. A serial number and "" inscribed vertically in right selvedge. ** Scott has assigned a number of 1CVP83 and a denom of 42c to this stamp although various denoms can be printed on it. These labels, without denominations, were sold by a private licensee of the United States Postal Service. The buyer then printed whatever denomination he or she required plus a bar-code-like design on the label, using his or her own computer and software purchased from the same licensee. This o/p'd label then became a stamp, legal for use as postage.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

200v 02 Sep 09 Geochelone elephantopus Triptych of two stamps and a central label w/ two tortoises on one stamp and a tortoise on the central label. Issued for 200th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin.

200v 02 Sep 09 Geochelone elephantopus Single stamp w/ two tortoises from triptych issued this date. Issued for 200th birth anniversary of Charles Darwin.


Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

1000d 2008 Chelus fimbriatus One individual on land w/ head turned toward camera. Purple stripe at top and bottom of stamp. This is a local or a Cinderella. It is inscribed "Tua Chua". The words "Viet Nam" appear vertically in tiny print.

200d 2008 Chelus fimbriatus One individual on land w/ head turned toward camera. Red stripe at top and bottom of stamp. This is a local or a Cinderella. It is inscribed "Tua Chua". The words "Viet Nam" appear vertically in tiny print.

800d 2008 Chelus fimbriatus Anterior half of turtle, facing viewer and partially covered w/ vegetation. Purple left, right and bottom margins. This is a local or a Cinderella. It is inscribed "Muong Nhe". The words "Viet Nam" appear near the top in tiny print.

500d 2008 Chelus fimbriatus Anterior half of turtle partially covered w/ vegetation. Light gray margins on left, bottom and right. This is a local or a Cinderella. It is inscribed "Muong Nhe". The words "Viet Nam" appear near the top in tiny print.

2000d 2008 Hydromedusa tectifera Photo of one individual, facing left, w/ neck stretched upward. Left margin of stamp w/ light gray square over dark gray rectangle. This is a local or a Cinderella. It is inscribed "Dien Bien". The words "Viet Nam" appear near the top in tiny print.

500d 2008 Hydromedusa tectifera Dorsal view of one individual on land, facing right. Left margin of stamp w/ dark green square over light green rectangle. This is a local or a Cinderella. It is inscribed "Dien Bien". The words "Viet Nam" appear near the top in tiny print.

1500d 2008 Hydromedusa tectifera Dorsal view of one individual on land, facing left. Left margin of stamp has a dark gray square over a light gray rectangle. This is a local or a Cinderella. It is inscribed "Dien Bien". The words "Viet Nam" appear near the top in tiny print.

800d 2008 Hydromedusa tectifera Dorsal view of anterior half of turtle, facing right. Left margin of stamp has an orange square over a pale bluish-gray rectangle. This is a local or a Cinderella. It is inscribed "Dien Bien". The words "Viet Nam" appear near the top in tiny print. Last updated:   Dec 4, 2009