What's New:  September 2010

Here is the material that was added or modified for this update:

  1. List of Stamps Arranged by Country

  2. Appendix II:  Labels, Seals, Advertising Stamps, Etc.

    DURIT FUEL HOSES   turtle stamp icon

    A label advertising Durit fuel hoses for automobiles. The label depicts a vintage racing car with a logo in the upper right corner containing a small turtle in the center of an oval. The date of issue is unknown. At least nine other labels exist that advertise Durit products, and all nine depict the same small turtle that appears on this label.

    ELBECO COLLARS   turtle stamp icon

    A German seal of unknown date, advertising Elbeco brand collars, and emphasizing how easy they are to clean. Small turtle near lower right corner of seal.

    KOREAN TUBERCULOSIS SEAL - 1980   turtle stamp icon

    Five designs, one of which is a stylized turtle. This is Green Korea #41.2.

    KOREAN TUBERCULOSIS SEALS - 1984   turtle stamp icon

    Pane of twenty-five different seals. One row of five seals shows different pictures from "The Tortoise and the Hare" and the tortoise appears on two of them. The sheet of twenty-five is Green Korea #45x2. A double sheet of fifty exists and it is Green #45x1.

Main page Last modified:  September 30, 2010