Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

600sh 2010 Giant Tortoise Photo of giant tortoise facing camera. Head and neck are extended and laying on the substrate. Upper left corner of stamp inscribed "Zanzibar Attractions". Inscription is in black on dark green background and is difficult to see.

600/ 2011 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of six stamps, each depicting a different sea creature. Each stamp and bottom margin of sheet inscribed "Tanzania Marine Parks". Margins of sheet depict a dense school of fish. Turtle on one stamp only.

600/ 2011 Unidentified Sea Turtle Individual stamp w/ turtle from s/s of six issued in 2011. Anterior half of turtle swimming up and right. Stamp inscribed "Tanzania Marine Parks" and "Kasa / Sea Turtle".

400/ 2011 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle swimming up and left. Inscribed "Tanzania Marine Parks" and "Kasa / Sea Turtle". From set of four marine creature stamps.

Main page Last updated:   Dec 3, 2011