Dagestan is an autonomous republic of Russia on the Caspian Sea.

Catalog # Denom.      Date      Turtle      Description      Comment

950 Geochelone elegans Photograph of adult. From imperf. sheet of four. WWF symbol in lower left corner.

1300 Kinixys erosa Photograph of adult. From imperf. sheet of four. WWF symbol in lower left corner.

2500 Terrapene carolina Photograph of adult. From imperf sheet of four. WWF symbol in lower left corner.

3000 Heosemys grandis Photograph of adult. From imperf. sheet of four. WWF symbol in lower left corner.

Various Four Species of Turtles Imperf. sheet of four stamps, each w/ a different species of turtle. WWF symbol in lower left corner.

Various Five Freshwater Turtles Perf. sheet of nine stamps forming an underwater and above-water panorama in a freshwater swamp. Painting depicting scores of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

300 Unidentified Turtle Small freshwater turtle basking on stump. Part of turtle is in selvedge of sheet. Stamp is from perf. sheet of nine.

500 Unidentified Turtle Small freshwater turtle, completely underwater. From perf. sheet of nine.

750 Two Unidentif. Turtles Small turtle, partially out of water on lily pad, and large turtle floating, partially submerged, at surface. Large turtle looks very much like Chelydra serpentina. Stamp from perf. sheet of nine.

800 Unidentified Turtle Large turtle, which looks very much like a tortoise, but it is submerged, walking on the bottom. From perf. sheet of nine.

Main page Last updated:   Sep 14, 1998